Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 12

Reading 'Out of the Silent Planet' has caused me to decide that I will go to space one day. I mean, I did when I was a child. But I have rededicated myself to that goal. One day...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Days 11 and 12

For all of you supporting me, Thank You! You are the best.

I have compiled a list of the books I am reading.

Here it is:

1. Master and Commander-Patrick O'Brian
2. The Secret Garden-Frances Hodgson Burnett
3. Out of the Silent Planet-C.S. Lewis
4. Northanger Abbey-Jane Eyre
5. The Scarlet Pimpernal-Baroness Orczy
6. Confession of An Ugly Stepsister-Gregory Maguire
7. Jane Eyre-Charlotte Bronte
8. A Grief Observed- C.S. Lewis
9. Four Loves-C.S. Lewis
10. The Man in the Iron Mask- Alexandre Dumas

I tried to pick books that were challenging, many of these are rather long. Some of them are just fun, I love books with twists on Fairy Tales. Number 6 is one of those, it's also by the author of Wicked (The book that inspired the Broadway Play). 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 10

"He walked fairly fast, and doggedly, without looking much about him, like a man trying to shorten the way with some interesting train of thought. He was tall, but a little round-shouldered, about thirty-five to forty years of age, and dressed with that particular kind of shabbiness which marks a member of the intelligentsia on a holiday."

An introduction to the hero. Really enjoying this book, tomorrow I should be able to finish it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 9

There is a scene in The Silent Planet, where the main character, who has been abducted by two scientists to perform in an experiment, is talking with one of his captors. He says his rights have been infringed, the scientist, says, though, that it is lawful in the realm of science and discovery, to infringe on others freedoms. He explains that with great things come sacrifices from the less significant. This reminded me of a particular Uncle in my favorite book by C.S. Lewis. As I remember, that man learned his lesson. And it involved a Lion, a green ring and a yellow ring, and two small children.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 8

Still reading The Silent Planet, I am in love with C.S. Lewis' writing. There is something common, yet insightful about his stories. His characters always have a strong moral code.
Hopefully I will finish this book day after tomorrow. Thank you for reading, my faithful follower. ;)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

day 7

I am reading Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis. It's strange, it's science fiction, and I expect it to be like his fantasy stories. But it's very creative. I love how Lewis and Tolkien can create very life like characters that you love, not because they're something special but because their not anything special. Which is how the main character is. He actually reminds me of C.S. Lewis. Middle aged, portly and well versed.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 6

Day 6, an interesting fact from the film version of this book.:
It was the first movie to ever film on the Galapagos Islands.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

day 5

So, I don't have a lot to say yet about this book. But I promised to post everyday, and I shall.
I guess one thing I noticed, is that the two main characters are polar opposites. And it makes me laugh, because in all honesty, most of my friends have very little in common with me, as far as interests and personality. But, of course, it makes life so much more interesting if you share it with someone who sees it differently. All the best stories know that.

Captain Kirk- Spock

Ok, the last one might be a stretch...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

day 4

So, today is another blog. I don't have much for ideas in what to write, so I will put a quote from the book. It may leave you guessing!

'Did you see that hoopoe?' cried the man in the black coat.

That is all

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

master and commander and a certain fundraiser.

So, this is the first blog post for the book fundraiser I am doing. Reading 10 books this month, and writing about it. I'm not really sure what to write on these posts, but I thought it would be a good way for my sponsors to know how far I am, and it might be enjoyable to read little snippets of what I'm learning, or laughing at as I read these books.
The first book I am reading is 'Master and Commander.' By Patrick O'Brian, some of you may have seen the movie version with Russel Crowe.
I really don't know what to write, except that I feel the need to use words, such as 'prodigous' and expressions like 'good sir'.

 Also, a 'hoopoe' is a bird...I think.